• Question of

    what kind of date are you most likely to go on ?

    • a picnic date; just the two of us sitting underneath the shade of a tree in the middle of a meadow. sitting there with them and talking about our dreams and admiring the sunset.
    • a movie date; holding their hand when an exciting scene comes on the screen and laughing with them at the funny parts. just being comfortable sitting next to them and cuddling up to each other
    • a carnival date; watching them try their hardest to win you that giant plushie you wanted and going on the ferris wheel and kissing when you’re at the top.
    • a camping date; a tent and a campfire on a mountain, holding each other and watching the stars and getting lost in the universe
    • a cat cafe date; them remembering your coffee order and bringing you your drink as you pet the purring kitten in your lap and think about a future where you adopt one with your s/o
  • Question of

    what is your hogwarts house

    • slytherin
    • hufflepuff
    • gryffindor
    • ravenclaw
  • Question of

    if you were in a story, what character type would you be ?

    • the antagonist that becomes one of the good guys
    • comedy relief
    • the main antagonist
    • the love interest
    • the side character that only exists for queerbaiting purposes
  • Question of

    which means the most to you ?

    • kindness
    • independence
    • happiness
    • revenge
    • love
  • Question of

    pick a mitski song/lyric

    • brand new city; “but if I gave up on being pretty, i wouldn’t know how to be alive.”
    • i will; “i will see your body bare, and still I will live here.”
    • real men; “real men don’t flinch or bleed in public. oh, I think I’m a real man”
    • liquid smooth; “my blood is red and unafraid of living.”
    • townie; “i am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be”

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