Question of
to love or to be loved?
to love
to be loved
Question of
would you relive your childhood if you could?
yes, i long to be as happy as i was back then
i would hesitate. in the long run, would it really be worth it to be that free again?
no, the bad memories heavily outweigh the bad ones
Question of
pick an artist !!
brent faiyaz
tyler the creator
jorja smith
Question of
pick a random thing from my room
a bouquet of flowers, both real and fake
a stuffed animal duck i’ve had since before i could remember named candy, who i take with me everywhere i go
a bag of rocks and crystals i’ve been collecting over the years
a worm on a string that hangs on my lamp named soup
a poster of a celestial chart that i tape random pictures and notes to
a drawing of me and an anime character getting married that my friend drew for me
Question of
you’re in the car with your friends driving down the highway late at night. where do you sit?
driver’s seat. you’re always the one driving on these trips, since you’re the only one anyone trusts to drive. it’s okay though, you like sitting back and listening to your friends shout behind you as you speed down the empty road.
passenger seat. you’re either always turning your head around to face your friends behind you, or poking your head out the window. the breeze feels nice in your hair, and you occasionally stick your arms out, letting the cold wind sift through your fingers.
back seat to the right. the driver let you have control of the aux, which you use to play songs that will forever remind you of this moment from now on. you guys already have a playlist prepared, and as you press play on the first song, the energy in the car shifts, making everything feel like the true coming of age movie you guys imagined.
back seat to the left. the window right next to you is wide open, and you throw your head back and let the wind float over your face, chilling you down to your spine. the air feels good, and the energy in the car is radiating off of you and your friends around you.
back seat in the middle. while your friends are laughing and talking among themselves, you unstrap, pull back the sun roof and stand up, letting the wind pull you back. hesitantly, you through your arms up, and you can almost hear your friends shouting at you from below. almost.
Question of
how hard do you love? (yes ik a lot of these questions are about love, shut up so are his songs)
like a wave crashing
like the sun rising and falling
like a flower blossoming
like rain falling
like wind sifting through the trees
Question of
change is…
whatever you make of it
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