This is a door that’s been left ajar. The door reads “THIS IS NOT A DOOR”. Do you enter?
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Choose a quote:
“The old man turned back for just a second, looked me in the eyes and gave me a huge, theatrical wink. Then he fell backwards, out of the car, and was gone, into the swirling air beyond.”
“[H]e turned, and began to run towards us at a dead spring, pushing the handle that protruded from his torso towards us like a battering ram…Broken glass was pressed into his fingers, glinting red in the morning sun.”
“He was a strange man. For as long as I knew him, his manner caused me disquiet, and I attribute the continuation of our acquaintance in no small part to our difference in language.”
“[A] longing is not the same thing as an instruction. We’d all been touched and warped by proximity to the holy burning fire, but none of us had any special knowledge.”
“To describe it as a skeleton would be to do Death a disservice. For though the robe that sat in that chair contained only bones, it was not the skeleton that moved…Death was no more a skeleton than you are a woolen suit.”
“Perhaps here now you’re powerful enough to learn what you want from me, but if you try, I promise you I will resist. And only one of us is going to survive the attempt.”
Question of
Choose a worry:
A “sliver of affection,” a “tiny hairline fracture,” will bring about “aching loss and suffering” in the end.
“Free will is simply ignorance. It’s just the name we give to the fact that no one can ever really see everything that controls them.”
“[D]eep down, we’re [all] just electrified meat squeezing air at each other.”
“You can’t fight what you are – or even what you aren’t.”
Someday, something will “burrow inside you, swarming and hollowing you out – leaving you full of holes.”
“[I]f this dreadful little planet had a fractionally different orbit and life had never even started here, then ultimately nothing of any real importance would have changed.”
Question of
Pick a feeling:
a “camaraderie that [comes] from being the only two people” in the gym, from spotting and supporting each other through intense workouts
“cold that just cuts right through you,” “patient,” and the way you “[like] it…[u]nderneath all [the] awful fear” – the way it feels like home
“the existential [joy] of truly becoming…of finally crossing the threshold into your self”
“the sense of blissful relief, edged with a strange, creeping fear,” that comes from suddenly finding yourself alone
“the warm glow of an approving parent, tinged with a bloody sweetness”
the “wonderful border between terror and delight” that accompanies the sensation of a rollercoaster drop
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