do you really have rizz?
Question of 7
say a guy/girl comes up to you, how do you introduce yourself?
hey there girl, how are you?
“hello m’lady ” *gets down on one knee and kisses their hand*
intense eye contact
i would smile and be respectfull, ill be smart with my words and let them know im intereseted.
Aye girl I’m lost, I’m trying to find my way into your heart. If I ain’t there yet, I will be very soon.
i would’nt, im not really confident enough, but i already have a million different pick up lines i would use on them.
Question of
how would you ask that girl/guy out?
“hey you seem pretty cool, lets meet up sometime!”
wanna come back to my place
Hey girl, I gotta ask you a question, if I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?? But seriously, would you like to go out on a date with me? Please?
“hey i find you quite interesting, how about i take you out for dinner some time?”
hey girl tranna hook up?
hey so um, do you wanna maybe go out sometime?
would you make me the happiest person m’lady, and go out for some dinner with yours truely?
Question of
ok lets say the guy/girl says yes.. how would you react
thank you
stare, then slowly smile.
ill pick you up at 7
you wont regret it
Question of
have you had your first kiss yet?
i’ve forced them to kiss me.
im waiting for the right one
im waiting till marriage
oh yes definatly, ive kissed way too many people
it was a summers day of ’60.
Question of
whats your favourite color, buster.
her eyes
Question of
pick a bottom.
mom jeans
a kilt ?
cargo pants
baggy jeans
Question of
how many people have you dated so far
im waiting till marriage
-1 (you got regected )
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