
Quiz: Do I Have an Unhealthy Food Addiction?

Food is a necessary element of our life but can take over our thoughts. Unfortunately, many of us have a certain degree of food addiction. Try to take this quiz and find out whether this addiction consumes you.

  • Question of

    When you feel sad, you…

    • Try to control feelings, although you want something tasty
    • Go to friends to complain
    • Empty the fridge
    • Empty the fridge
  • Question of

    What are your most pleasant remembrances about food associated with?

    • With travels
    • With childhood
    • With holidays
  • Question of

    When I’m at the table at someone’s place, I…

    • Eat more than usual since I know that tomorrow will be a fasting day
    • I try everything I like by little
    • I cannot stop, everything is so tasty!
  • Question of

    Food for you is…

    • The pleasure you need to limit
    • A way of maintaining the body’s life activity
    • A thing life makes no sense without
  • Question of

    If you overeat on Christmas night, will you feel guilty?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    In an all-inclusive hotel, you…

    • I think all the time, “How much can I let myself eat and drink?”
    • I think about food the least
    • Don’t ask me, there’s nothing better!

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