Question of
If you could have something that makes you special, what would you want?
Glittery wings
A mermaid’s tail
The Nicest Stuff
Question of
If you could do gym, what would you want to learn?
Roll in the air
Back flip
Question of
It’s your friend’s birthday. What will you give her as a birthday present?
Friendship bracelets
That depends on what the friend likes…
Question of
Your friend falls down in the Canteen during recess time. The place is very crowded, what would you do?
Spread a rumor about “Ms. Clumsy”
Help him/her up
Laugh at him/her
Comforts her/him
Smile at him/her and say:”It’s fine, it’s just a small wound.”
Question of
You were late for work/School as we’re watching TV late into the night. What would you say to your boss/teacher?
Make a excuse
Tell the truth
Half lie half truth
Blame it on someone
Apologise and say nothing more
Question of
A little girl about 5 years old is being bullied by Primary 6 students. What do you do?
Tell the teacher
Do nothing
Stand up for her
Smile and watch the crying movie
Shout at them
Question of
Who do you believe in?
I don’t really care…
I don’t really care…
Question of
What are you like?
Funny, carefree
Moody, shy
Happy, a good friend
Rich, popular
Poor, shamed
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