
If You Weren’t Human, What Would You Be?

  • Question of

    If you could have something that makes you special, what would you want?

    • Nothing!
    • Glittery wings
    • A mermaid’s tail
    • The Nicest Stuff
  • Question of

    If you could do gym, what would you want to learn?

    • Cartwheels
    • Splits
    • Ribbons
    • Handstand
    • Roll in the air
    • Back flip
  • Question of

    It’s your friend’s birthday. What will you give her as a birthday present?

    • Friendship bracelets
    • Jack-in-the-box
    • Toys
    • That depends on what the friend likes…
  • Question of

    Your friend falls down in the Canteen during recess time. The place is very crowded, what would you do?

    • Spread a rumor about “Ms. Clumsy”
    • Help him/her up
    • Laugh at him/her
    • Comforts her/him
    • Smile at him/her and say:”It’s fine, it’s just a small wound.”
  • Question of

    You were late for work/School as we’re watching TV late into the night. What would you say to your boss/teacher?

    • Make a excuse
    • Tell the truth
    • Half lie half truth
    • Blame it on someone
    • Apologise and say nothing more
  • Question of

    A little girl about 5 years old is being bullied by Primary 6 students. What do you do?

    • Tell the teacher
    • Do nothing
    • Stand up for her
    • Smile and watch the crying movie
    • Shout at them
  • Question of

    Who do you believe in?

    • God
    • Buddhist
    • Satan
    • I don’t really care…
    • I don’t really care…
  • Question of

    What are you like?

    • Funny, carefree
    • Moody, shy
    • Happy, a good friend
    • Rich, popular
    • Poor, shamed

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