
What Level Sassy Are You?

Are sassy pants part of your wardrobe?

  • Question of

    You hang out with people who are

    • A lot younger than you
    • Similar to your age
    • A lot older than you
    • All kinds of people
  • Question of

    How quickly do you get aggressive?

    • Very quickly
    • Quickly
    • Not that quickly
    • It takes a lot of time.
  • Question of

    How do you feel when you are interrupted?

    • Very angry
    • Angry
    • Just a little annoyed
    • Nothing
  • Question of

    According to you, how witty are you?

    • Very witty
    • Witty
    • Not that witty
    • Not witty at all
  • Question of

    Are you an introvert?

    • A very big one
    • Yes
    • Not really
    • I am a big extrovert.
  • Question of

    Do people say you are too loud when you speak?

    • All the time
    • Yes, they say
    • Once or twice
    • Never
  • Question of

    Are people afraid to argue with you?

    • Too much
    • They seem to be
    • Somewhat
    • No

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Written by Lifehack

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