Question of
What is the purest form of love?
Love has nothing to do with my preferences
Love is dead and we killed it
My soulmate, whoever I spend the rest of my life with
Wtf does this question have to do with my sexual preferences
Yaoi or yuri
Love doesn’t have to be romantic, I love my friends more than anything
Question of
Choose the hottest scenario
I don’t care what we do, as long as it’s a perfect romantic evening with my partner <3
Something you physically can’t reenact in real life (e.g. vore, mpreg)
Oh god oh no please I don’t like any of these
Guy on guy or girl on girl action
Threesome or more, maybe some roleplay
Question of
Would you be willing to act out your kinks in a real life scenario?
I could, with questioning legality
I told you before, it’s physically impossible (and I refuse to try)
No, I’m too shy to try
I told you before, it’s physically impossible (though I’m willing to pretend)
Act out my kinks???? What does that mean
Question of
How important is communication/a safeword to you?
It doesn’t matter to me, I’m gonna take what I want/I want my partner to take what they want, regardless of my feelings
I don’t have a significant other, so I don’t really care
What is a safeword
Communication is key to any relationship I have, serious or not
Question of
What did you think of this quiz
I think you’re stupid
It was cool. You’re cool 🙂
Ngl, kinda lame, expected better questions :/
Interesting! It kept me on my toes
It was okay. Not the best quiz I’ve taken but not the worst
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