How Many People Have A Crush On You?
Question of 5
How do people usually greet you?
With a big smile and a warm hug
A friendly wave or a high-five
A quick nod or simple “hi”
They often seem nervous or shy around me
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When you post something on social media, how do people react?
Tons of likes and comments, they can’t get enough!
A good number of likes and some nice comments
A few likes here and there
People message me privately instead of commenting
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How do you usually feel when you’re around others?
I feel like the center of attention, people can’t help but notice me
I’m comfortable, people are friendly and open
I blend in, but I’m fine with that
I feel like someone’s always secretly watching me
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How often do people compliment you?
All the time! It’s like every other conversation
Occasionally, but it’s always nice to hear
Rarely, but I get compliments on specific things
People compliment me indirectly, through actions or hints
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What’s your vibe in group settings?
I naturally lead the conversation and people listen
I enjoy a good chat, but I’m not the loudest in the room
I mostly observe and speak when needed
I catch people staring or paying extra attention to what I say
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