Question of
You’re invited to a party, but you only know one person there. What’s your first thought?
“I’ll just stick by my friend and hope we don’t get separated.”
What if no one talks to me? I should probably come up with some small talk topics now.
Great! I can meet new people and maybe even make some friends
I’m definitely not going. Too much pressure and awkwardness
Question of
You post a selfie online, and it doesn’t get many likes. How do you react?
Meh, who cares? I liked how I looked, and that’s all that matters
Okay, that’s a little disappointing, but I guess not every post has to blow up
Why does no one like me?? I’m deleting it immediately!
Maybe I should edit it more next time. Clearly, something was off.
Question of
You overhear two people laughing right after you walk past. What’s your first assumption?
They’re probably laughing about something completely unrelated to me
It’s probably not about me… but I can’t help wondering.
What did I do wrong? Are my clothes weird? Did I trip?
They’re definitely talking about me, and I need to fix whatever’s wrong immediately
Question of
How do you handle constructive criticism?
I appreciate the feedback. It helps me improve!
I take it in, but it sometimes stings a little
I overthink every word of it and can’t stop feeling bad about myself
I feel completely attacked and defensive, even if they mean well
Question of
You’re meeting someone new. What’s your biggest concern?
Will we vibe and have a good conversation?
Do I look okay? First impressions are important.
What if they don’t like me? What if I say something dumb?
Everything! My appearance, my personality, my awkwardness—it’s all a mess!
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