This quiz is 100% factual so if you don’t agree with your results you need to change your mindset because you’re wrong. Sorry that was so aggressive… wasn’t supposed to be. Have a nice day.
Question of
What are you doing this weekend? if it is the weekend you know what option to pick.
nothing, maybe make some cookies
hosting an amazing party, because you’re just that cool
taking this quiz
hanging out with friends
going to a heavy metal concert
spreading awareness about the endangered extra yucky stinkbug
Question of
If you had to commit a crime (with no consequences) what would it be?
i would ruthlessly murder hundreds of animals
I would start a cult and force all the members to cut off the fingers and toes and watch them struggle
ARSON (obviously)
i would probably just illegally download some movies
I wouldn’t do anything. CRIME IS BAD
i might shoplift some stuff from a jewellry store
idk I guess i would rob a bank
Question of
shirts or pants?
why does this matter
Question of
What is something that you just randomly hate?
broken mirrors
people in general
men….. am i right?
Hating things is bad for our mental health so i don’t hate anything
blueberries, they’re just nasty
old women who give disapproving stares to all people under 23
the colour pink
Question of
QUICK that burglar stole your bag! what do you do?
chase him down
call the police
go on your local news station and make them run your story and buy pepper spray
yell at all surrounding people to to do something about it
go to maccas…. chicken nuggets make all the problems go away
steal a walking stick from the nearest old person and start hitting the burglar with it
start yelling incantations to levitate the bag back to you
call your mum and cry
Question of
woah a song you really like starts playing what is it?
call me maybe by carly rae jepson
nyan cat… nothing else compares
i don’t really listen to music
christmas songs (especially when its not christmas)
i write and sing my own songs… they’re my favourite
something/anything by beyonce
i prefer to listen to obnoxious chanting in latin
the beatles
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