
whats your secret turn on

  • Question of

    favorite realationship dynamic

    • short and angry – tall and protective
    • tall and stupid – short and smart
    • enemys to lovers
    • bsf to lover
  • Question of

    whats your love language

    • physical touch
    • gifts
    • quality time
    • words of affirmation (like nice words)
    • wtf is a love language
  • Question of

    your (hypothetical) crush asks to hang out, you…

    • immedietly accept, you love spending time with them
    • have a short mental break down bcs they want to hang out with you, but then you accept
    • say you have plans, you cant spend 5 seconds alone with them
    • omg ew no”
  • Question of

    is your (hypothetical) crush taller or shorter then you

    • taller
    • shorter
    • same height
    • why tf u wanna know?????
  • Question of

    do you wish your (hypothetical) crush was taller/shorter then you?

    • Yes
    • No
    • idc

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Written by uzair333

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