a lot of atla bender quizzes are quite basic with all hot-heads being firebenders, waterbenders being soothing, etc. i wanted something more accurate—think like the hogwarts houses system by sortingha

tchats where it’s broken down with primaries, secondaries, models, and performances—so i made one, but for the elements. Think of this as a quiz for your primary element. The element which speaks to how you handle conflict and the things you place the most value in. i spent quite some time researching and putting this together with the help of my friends—cat and raquel, thank you—who helped with editing and hyped me up doing this. anyways hope you enjoy this. the results may in fact surprise you.

  • Question of

    This is kind of a give-away point, but which element do you feel most connected to?

    • Fire
    • Air
    • Water
    • Earth
  • Question of

    Which would you rather have?

    • Freedom
    • Stability
    • Energy
    • Community
  • Question of

    If any of these could be guaranteed, which would you pick?

    • Love
    • Pleasure
    • Willpower
    • Survival
  • Question of

    When faced with a high stress situation, do you thrive when you’re prepared or when you’re improvising?

    • When I’ve prepared ahead of time
    • When I’m in the moment reacting
  • Question of

    When I’m in the moment reacting

    • Though I rarely apologize, when I do, I’m sincere
    • It’ll take me a moment to calm down, but once I do, my apology is usually sincere
    • I apologize quickly to avoid bigger conflict. Sometimes I mean it, sometime I don’t.
    • I am sincere in my apologies—although it will take me a long time to actually apologize
  • Question of

    You witness your friend’s significant other—who you’re also friends with—cheating on them. You know this would be devastating to your friend group. What do you do?

    • I will do what needs to be done, even if it’s difficult. My friend deserves the truth so they can move on
    • I would confront the significant other about what I saw before I proceed with telling my friend what I saw
    • I would tell the significant other to come clean and make sure I was there for my friend in the aftermath
    • I would tell my friend immediately and end my friendship with their significant other without question
  • Question of

    When you’re going through intense emotion (i.e. anger, sadness, etc), how do you work through it?

    • I tend to work from the inside-out. I need to examine my emotions and thoughts, and try to find the root of what I’m feeling before trying to tackle anything outside myself.
    • I tend to work from the outside-in. I need to get the emotion out physically through action/activity so that I can approach what I’m feeling more clearly later on when I’m ready.

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