
What Percent Dead Are You Inside Right Now?

Are you alive in there? Hey, is anyone home? Life comes at us hard sometimes, meaning we have no choice but to lay down and quietly die on the inside. What percent dead are you in the inside today? Are you more or less dead than most? Let this quiz decide just how alive you really are!

  • Question of

    Which type of baby animal do you prefer?

    • Puppies
    • Kittens
    • Ducklings
    • Bats
    • None
  • Question of

    Have you ever worked a job in customer service or retail?

    • Yes, it was the worst.
    • Yes, I didn’t mind it much.
    • For a very short amount of time.
    • Nope, I never worked in retail.
  • Question of

    What type of music do you like best?

    • Pop
    • Rock
    • Metal
    • Country
    • None
  • Question of

    How much of your wardrobe is black?

    • All of it.
    • Most of it.
    • Maybe half.
    • None of it.
  • Question of

    When is the last time you cried during a movie?

    • Within the past week.
    • Within the past month.
    • Within the past year or two.
    • Probably today some time.
    • I never cry during movies.

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Written by uzair333

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