What Kind of Friend Are You?

What Kind of Friend Are You?
What Kind of Friend Are You?

What Kind of Friend Are You?

  • Question of

    How do you usually spend time with your friends?

    • Planning fun activities or adventures
    • Offering advice and helping them through problems
    • Hanging out casually, no specific plans needed
    • Always there when they need emotional support
    • Cracking jokes and keeping the mood light
  • Question of

    What do your friends often come to you for?

    • Exciting ideas or plans for things to do
    • Deep conversations or guidance
    • Just to chill and have a good time
    • A shoulder to cry on during tough times
    • A laugh when they need cheering up
  • Question of

    How do you react when your friend is upset?

    • Take them out to do something fun and distract them
    • Listen to them and help solve the issue
    • Let them vent and be their sounding board
    • Offer comfort and remind them you’re always there
    • Make them laugh or tell a funny story to lighten their mood
  • Question of

    How would you describe your friendships?

    • Full of excitement and adventure
    • Deep, meaningful, and supportive
    • Laid-back and easy-going
    • Emotionally connected and caring
    • Fun, lighthearted, and full of laughter
  • Question of

    What do you value most in a friendship?

    • Sharing new experiences together
    • Loyalty and honest advice
    • Comfort and familiarity
    • Emotional support and understanding
    • Fun and humor
  • Question of

    How do you handle conflicts with your friends?

    • Suggest doing something fun together to ease the tension
    • Talk things out and try to understand both sides
    • Give it time and let things cool down naturally
    • Apologize and make sure they know how much they mean to me
    • Make a joke to diffuse the situation

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