What Girlhood Moment Are You?
Question of
Pick a scene to be at
A library with cream colored, comfy chair. Orange light from the sunrise pours in through the large windows. The orange light illuminates the pages of your book and makes you feel at peace.
A field of daisies that seems to go on forever. A beautiful blue sky with a few clouds is above you. Birds sings and the temperature is perfect.
A party with colorful lights and people all around you. You dance with your friends and bathe in the feeling of freedom. You pretend tomorrow will never come.
You lay in your bed. Moonlight seeps in through the windows. Your hair is freshly washed and your legs are freshly shaved. The blanket seems to be the softest thing on Earth.
A small café with beautiful painting. You sip a drink while sitting and chatting with your closet friends.
These options suck
Question of
Pick a animal whos temperance/attitude is most like yours.
Other kind of pet
Other kind of exotic animal
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Pick a one of my “flaws” you relate to
Talking too much
Self doubt
Shopping too much
Too loud
Dont have the “perfect” body
Too emotional
Always dreaming of things that wont happen
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Pick something I wrote
I find so much comfort in that, being loved.
I feel the urge to run over to Vik and jump up and down and go on forever about what just happened.
she agrees after threatening to dye Will’s hair ginger in his sleep.
I literally cried to Annie like 17 times now about how I’m scared Octavia will fall out of love with me while we’re gone.
It is exasperating listening / Listening to all the noise of the world
the other part made my heart pound, my palms sweaty, me overthink, and convinced me that this could all go terribly wrong in a matter of milliseconds. And it would be my fault if it did. I need to calm down.
I hope they see hearts and flowers and think of me
I want someone to love me enough to give me the bigger piece.
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Pick something you want
To have fun
To be pretty
To be loved as much as I love others
To not be scared and worried about everything
To not be shy
To scream
A hug
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Pick a color that you feel represents you
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Pick a friend
A golden retriever puppy
A friend who you havent talked to in a while
An orange kitten who likes to meow
An old cat who likes to sleep
A stuffed animal you had when you were little, but its been lost for years
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