
What Diet is Best for Me Quiz

  • Question of

    How much do you like sport?

    • I like to be active, I walk a lot but don’t practice anything
    • Does watching football on TV count?
    • I like to try something new – some hot yoga or something like this
    • Yes, I often spend time at gym
  • Question of

    What your character trait you can be proud of?

    • Energy overfills me
    • I can listen to people, empathize, I always encourage and help
    • I’m always on top of things
    • I’m a very discreet and calm person
  • Question of

    From tomorrow you’re on a diet, it means today…

    • I need to make up a general nutrition plan, to prepare everything
    • I need to look for inspiration, to check celebrities’ photos
    • Have it large!
    • I’ll tell my friends about it, they’ll support me
  • Question of

    You need a diet to:

    • Work off excess weight, but calmly without stress
    • Step-by-step shift to other dietary regime
    • Lose weight. Quickly!
    • Try something new. I like experiments
  • Question of

    A bad diet is when you:

    • Always want to eat
    • Lose only 1 pound
    • When you have no inspiration and an alive example in front of your eyes
    • Swallow some powders and pills

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