
How Old is My Soul? 99% Accurate Estimate

The soul age test evaluates twenty factors to provide a precise estimation of your spiritual maturity. Unlike a regular maturity test, it specifically examines the spiritual aspects of your personality. If you are seeking a chronological estimation, we recommend using our Age Calculator Tool instead.

  • Question of

    What part of the story matters?

    • I don’t know
    • Start
    • Climax
    • The whole plot
    • End
  • Question of

    How do you know if someone is a good person?

    • Those who help me are the good ones.
    • I don’t know.
    • I know they’re it when everyone likes them.
    • I analyze how successful and prestigious they are.
    • I look at the way they treat others.
    • No one is either good or bad. We’re all in-between.
  • Question of

    What’s one thing that summarizes the meaning of life?

    • Survival
    • Adaptation
    • Fight
    • Relationships
    • Peace
  • Question of

    On a score of 0 to 10, how spiritual are you? (10 means a lot).

    • 0
    • 1-2
    • 3-5
    • 6-7
    • 8-10
  • Question of

    Choose a word that makes you feel calm.

    • Home
    • School
    • Office
    • Nature
    • Mind
  • Question of

    The ends can justify the means. Do you agree?

    • Agree
    • Slightly agree
    • Neutral
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  • Question of

    What color is your soul? (Just pick a color that you feel related to).

    • Red
    • Orange/Yellow
    • Blue
    • Green
    • Purple
  • Question of

    Which one is your priority in life?

    • I don’t have a priority
    • Finding true love
    • Becoming rich
    • Protecting my loved ones
    • Being a helpful human being
  • Question of

    Do you believe in the afterlife? How would you describe it?

    • No
    • I’m not sure about that
    • I think it’s just a superstitious
    • Yes, it’s where you find the ultimate joy
    • Yes, it’s in our minds
  • Question of

    Which one is absolutely pointless?

    • Too much drama
    • Too much rebellion
    • Too much fun
    • Too much hard work
    • Everything is pointless if you do it too much

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