
Just How Nerdy Are You?

You surely sat at the front of classroom, didn’t you?

  • Question of

    First q: how often do you go to class?

    • 90-100% of the time
    • 75-89% of the time
    • It’s like 50/50 tbh
    • Less than half of the time
  • Question of

    Do you consider yourself a Potterhead?

    • Yes, and it’s an honor!
    • I used to, but that was a long time ago
    • Not really
    • A what?
  • Question of

    How often do you watch the Discovery Channel or the National Geographic channel?

    • They are my favorite channels
    • I’ll watch Shark Week
    • Rarely
    • Those are TV channels?
  • Question of

    Do you have action figures or some other type of “children’s toy” preserved in mint condition?

    • Many, in fact
    • Only one!
    • Nope!
    • Wait, people still do that?
  • Question of

    What’s your favorite movie genre?

    • Documentary film
    • Science fiction
    • Romance
    • Horror

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Written by uzair333

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