Is your ideal partner real
Ok let’s be real rn. Half of the people we come up with in our heads-NO LIKE HONESTLY 80% of them ARE NOT REAL. Like completely and utterly fictional. I mean ok cool, set those high standards ig but a
lso like reality check. Stop? (This quiz is just a joke so don’t take it seriously!!!)
Question of
Taller than me
Shorter than me
My height
Honestly I don’t care
Question of
What’s you dream partners ideal personality?
Smart, funny, caring, a little bit overprotective
Dumb. Just super super stupid. Its lowkey cute ?
Goofy, kind of golden retriever type, has a splash of childhood trauma
Cold, overprotective, cocky, rude to everyone, manipulative
Overthinker, kind, clumsy, easily excitable (like a toddler), a little bit stupid
classy, very put together, loving, closed off
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Hair color?
Black hair
Colored hair
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Eye color
Brown eyes
Two different color eyes
Blue eyes
Hazel eyes
Green eyes
Unnatural color (red, purple, etc.)
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What’s their style?
Classy like a rich person
Streetwear rapper type clothes
Athletic clothes
Casual dress up like button down and jeans
Sort of hipster, fun colors, tie dye, crystals
Emo, eyeliner, piercings
Question of
Yesssss allll the tattoos pls
No thanks
I mean sure? Just nothing stupid
Question of
Do they have mommy/daddy issues
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