how pure is your soul ?
warning ! the content of this quiz may be unsettling if ur easily prone to anxiety. stay safe and exit out if you need to.
Question of
the day begins. who are you?
i am the one weighed down by the lead in my veins and the heaviness of the air
i am furious. i don’t want to be awake right now. i should not be awake right now. it’s the wrong time. it’s the wrong place. nothing is right. i should not be awake.
i am become death, destroyer of alarm clocks
i am ready to take this day on with all i got !!
i don’t know. i don’t know. i don’t know.
i am dreading when the world will pluck at my last straw – my last bit of patience, composure – with greedy, greedy fingers.
Question of
you get up out of bed. you see someone standing, leaning on their car, by your driveway. who are they?
no clue. i’ll ask them.
i don’t have a driveway. oh god. who’s house is this?
my neighbor. they must’ve parked by my house last night for whatever reason.
it is my best friend. i am so happy to see them here! i’m ready to run outside and say hi.
a stranger. i’ll ignore them until they leave.
just the mailman.
Question of
where are you?
in a small café. everything is pleasant shades of tan and brown swimming together. i sit at my table of mahogany and look out the large windows at the front of the building on to the street, which is calm this hour of morning. i take in a deep breath and the scents of drinks and coffee flood my nose. a barista comes up with my order. i think they are smiling. i think that they have blue eyes. i think that the words coming out of my mouth are my name. i think. i think. i think.
i don’t know. i keep looking away. there’s nothing wrong. there’s nothing to worry. nothing is wrong. nothing is wrong. i keep looking away. it is of no concern to me. everything is fine.
at the bottom of the sea. the pressure leaves me alive, but with an all encompassing pressure around my chest that i beg to no one and everyone to release. a sunken ship looms in front of me. the crew whisper to me about what could have been if only this. or that. they speak of deprivation.
somewhere i can rest.
a mosh pit. i’m cheering to the music. so is everyone else. all in time with the beat. all at once. lights flash in my eyes and burn at me. they burn.
where i am right now, that’s fine with me
Question of
pick a liminal space.
a hallway lined with lockers. i’m walking to my next class. i keep walking.
an elevator. i’m going up. up up up up up. the music makes me grind my teeth.
room 512. room 513. room 514. room 515. it’s a hotel hallway. the carpet drags roughly at the soles of my shoes. room 516. room 517. room 518.
an empty airport. the walls are looking a little too beige for the white they probably once were. someone should clean them.
Question of
do i have the right to judge something like your soul?
you’re the one quizzing me, dude.
Question of
you are safe. you do not need to worry. you are safe. where are you?
in a world that does not worry me.
i can’t decide.
in a situation that i have been yearning for, in which the lack of makes my chest ache and strain inwards to its own weight.
in the arms of a dear one.
in a place that energizes me.
Question of
night falls. are you scared?
does it matter?
no. i do not know how, but no.
no. night is when you can see the stars.
whoever answers “does it matter” is stupid. obviously fear is equally balanced with yearnings as a major part of our selfhoods and souls.
should i admit it?
Question of
the day begins. who are you?
i am become death, destroyer of alarm clocks
i am furious. i don’t want to be awake right now. i should not be awake right now. it’s the wrong time. it’s the wrong place. nothing is right. i should not be awake.
i am ready to take this day on with all i got !!
oh god oh god oh god. not again. oh god.
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