
How gay are you

How gay are you

  • Question of


    • girl in red
    • yes
    • maybe ?
    • no
    • burn them all
    • yes but its more complicated
  • Question of

    How you feel about frogs ?

    • They’re cute ig ?
    • idc
  • Question of

    sleep schedule ?

    • up all night watching shows/cartoons/animes/potsing memes/any ceative stuff
    • up all night posting hate comments
    • wait you actually sleep-
    • up all night working
  • Question of

    perfect date for you

    • watching netflix, drinking coffee and cuddling
    • Eating out + movie
    • Taking walks in nature
    • Any band concert/parties
  • Question of

    am i the best

    • yes i would die for you
    • no

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Written by Lifehack

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