
How Does Your Brain Really Work?

  • Question of

    When faced with a problem, what’s your first instinct?

    • Analyze it step-by-step
    • Brainstorm creative solutions
    • Seek advice from others
    • Trust my gut feeling
    • dd
    • Trust my gut feeling
    • dddddddddddddddddddddd
    • Just remembering naturally – it sticks
  • Question of

    How do you usually remember important information?

    • Writing it down or making lists
    • Associating it with a visual image
    • Repeating it out loud or explaining it to someone
    • Just remembering naturally – it sticks
  • Question of

    You’re working on a project. How do you stay focused?

    • Break tasks into small, manageable steps
    • Use visuals, diagrams, or color codes
    • Collaborate and bounce ideas off others
    • Work in short bursts followed by breaks
  • Question of

    How do you handle stress or pressure?

    • Organize my thoughts and create a plan
    • Get creative – I’ll find a new solution
    • Talk to friends or family for advice
    • Get active – a change of scenery helps
    • Get active – a change of scenery helps
    • Get active a change of scenery helps
  • Question of

    What’s your preferred way of learning something new?

    • Reading or researching facts
    • Watching a video or visual demonstration
    • Discussing or teaching it to someone else
    • Trying it out and learning by doing
  • Question of

    When making decisions, what matters most to you?

    • Logic and reasoning – what makes sense?
    • Creativity – how can I approach this in a unique way?
    • Intuition – what feels right in the moment?
    • Efficiency – what’s the quickest and easiest solution?

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