how dirty is you mind
Have you ever caught yourself laughing at something completely innocent just because your mind wandered to that place?
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What do you think when you see a banana?
A suggestive shape that makes me giggle
A fun way to make a phone call in a pretend game
A must-have ingredient for a smoothie
A delicious and healthy snack
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How do you feel about the eggplant emoji?
Just another emoji in the collection
A funny way to communicate with friends
A vegetable I like to cook with
A symbol for something naughty
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What do you think of when you hear the word “bed”?
A piece of furniture
A cozy spot to read or watch TV
A location for intimate moments
A place to sleep and recharge
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Pick a TV show to watch
I’m choosing something raunchy—the more inappropriate the better!
I want something a little fun and trashy, like Real Housewives, The Bachelor, or another reality show.
Something I can enjoy with my family, like Planet Earth.
I’d watch something tasteful, but steamy (like Bridgerton or Euphoria).
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Quick! Don’t think about it, just pick a word:
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How often do you have ~suggestive~ dreams?
Never. My dreams are totally wholesome.
More often than not, but I don’t mind.
Sometimes, and I wake up feeling weird.
Almost every night.
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The hottest person you’ve ever seen asks if you want to make out. You:
Smile and let them kiss me.
Say no, thanks. What a weird thing to ask a stranger.
Accept, but insist they buy me dinner first.
Say, “Duh!” then pull them in for a kiss.
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