
How Did You Die In A Past Life?

Do you believe in past lives and rebirth? If you wish to know and keep asking yourself, “How did I die in my past life?” This quiz is for you. You can find out the reason for death in your past life just with a few questions. Here, in this quiz, you need to answer a few questions that suit you the best and see the results. You can share the quiz with others also who are interested in knowing the same.

  • Question of

    Pick a vacation spot.

    • Sydney
    • New York City
    • Mexico
    • Scotland
  • Question of

    Pick a creepy creature.

    • Alligators
    • Spiders
    • Jellyfish
    • Scorpions
  • Question of

    Pick your favorite seafood.

    • Scallops
    • Eel
    • Tuna
    • Cod
  • Question of

    Pick a song to be played at your funeral.

    • The Hokey Pokey
    • Pop Goes the Weasel
    • Blaze of Glory
    • Tainted love
  • Question of

    What are you afraid of?

    • Deepwater
    • Height
    • Sharks
    • I am not afraid of any of these.

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Written by Lifehack

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