Does your crush know you exist?
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When you see the boy you have been crushing in the hallway you…
Smile and wave at him.
Quickly duck behind your friend so he won’t see you in sweat pants.
Block his path in the hallway and strike up a conversation.
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You drop your books in front of your crush in the hallway and he picks them up. You…
Apologize for being clumsy and help him pick up your books.
Grab your books and run away and hope he didn’t notice.
Thank him for getting your books and say you’ll make it up to him by treating him to lunch.
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You sit next to your crush in English and give him your notes for a test. He replies with…
“Thank you! I’ve been needing these and I know you take great notes.”
“Thanks. What was your name again?”
“Thanks. I really need a tutor for this class and you seem really cool…will you stay after with me sometime this week?”
Question of
You spot your crush in the food court at you local mall hanging with his pals. You…
Casually stroll past his table and and say “Hey” when he notices.
Run out the closest exit possible.
Walk over and take seat at his table. There is no better time than the present to get to know his squad a little better.
Question of
You guys get paired up for a group project. He…
Is genuinely excited to have you as a partner and starts to divide the work. You have this project in the bag!
Moves across the room to sit with his friend’s group leaving you to work on it by yourself.
Gushes about how smart you are and asks if you want to go on a coffee date after school to finish up the project.
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