Does your crush know you exist?

Are you wondering if your crush knows you exist? Take this quick quiz to find out! By answering a series of questions about your interactions and relationships with your crush, the quiz will use advanced algorithms to determine whether or not they are aware of your existence. It’s a fun and easy way to get some insight into your crush’s feelings, and who knows, you might even be surprised by the results. So why not give it a try? Find out if your crush knows you exist!

  • Question of

    When you see the boy you have been crushing in the hallway you…

    • Smile and wave at him.
    • Quickly duck behind your friend so he won’t see you in sweat pants.
    • Block his path in the hallway and strike up a conversation.
  • Question of

    You drop your books in front of your crush in the hallway and he picks them up. You…

    • Apologize for being clumsy and help him pick up your books.
    • Grab your books and run away and hope he didn’t notice.
    • Thank him for getting your books and say you’ll make it up to him by treating him to lunch.
  • Question of

    You sit next to your crush in English and give him your notes for a test. He replies with…

    • “Thank you! I’ve been needing these and I know you take great notes.”
    • “Thanks. What was your name again?”
    • “Thanks. I really need a tutor for this class and you seem really cool…will you stay after with me sometime this week?”
  • Question of

    You spot your crush in the food court at you local mall hanging with his pals. You…

    • Casually stroll past his table and and say “Hey” when he notices.
    • Run out the closest exit possible.
    • Walk over and take seat at his table. There is no better time than the present to get to know his squad a little better.
  • Question of

    You guys get paired up for a group project. He…

    • Is genuinely excited to have you as a partner and starts to divide the work. You have this project in the bag!
    • Moves across the room to sit with his friend’s group leaving you to work on it by yourself.
    • Gushes about how smart you are and asks if you want to go on a coffee date after school to finish up the project.

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