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When you walk into the room
They smile and make eye contact.
They wave but look away quickly.
They act like they didn’t notice.
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When you talk to them
They seem super engaged and ask questions.
They give short answers but smile
hey seem distracted or bored
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How often do they find reasons to talk to you?
All the time, even when there’s no reason
Sometimes, but only when it’s necessary.
Rarely, unless it’s a group convo.
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Do they compliment you?
Yes, and it feels real, not forced.
A little, but it’s usually about something random.
Not really, or only in a “joking” way.
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How do they act when you’re in a group?
They make sure to talk to me or include me in convos.
They seem chill, but still interact a lot with others.
They keep their distance and talk to everyone but me.
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Do they remember things you’ve said?
Yes, they bring it up later, even the little details.
Sometimes, if it was important.
No, they don’t seem to recall anything.
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How do they react when you’re feeling down?
They check in and want to know what’s wrong.
They ask if I’m okay but don’t press it.
They don’t notice or avoid the topic.
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