design a love interest for a story and i’ll tell you why people love you
all for fun and images aren’t mine <3
Question of
What type of story do the characters exist in?
Fantasy – but specifically sci fi, with cool weapons and shit
Fantasy – but specifically super powers and magic and shit
Purely romance – somewhat classic romance book premise
Horror – its actually not really a romance at all
Dark romance – but like not the weird kind, just dark
Historical fiction – realistic so its somewhat tragic or forbidden
Other – maybe psychological thriller, maybe comedy, etc.
Question of
What is the lover’s physical trait that makes them unique? What is it that first catches your main character’s eye?
Birth mark/ Scar
Height / body weight
Freckles / dimples
Eyes / lips
Smile / the way they laugh
Body language / expression
Question of
Pick a defining positive personality trait for them to have. What is the most core part of who they are?
Caring, passionate
Charismatic, charming
Question of
A little bit of world- building, what is the main conflict point if you had to pick one?
There’s a very real and active danger present to the world as a whole. Such as a society where people with a specific trait are killed or a bubonic fallout even
The character has a secret or a lie that they’re trying to protect. Something big or small- but a lie they definitely udne rno circumstances want to get out
Bad communication – its literally just between to characters and its a total misunderstanding that could be solved with a single conversation but will control the course of the first ten chapters
Tragic backstory stuff – one of the characters is a mafia member or some shit
Other / a mix of multiple
Question of
What is the love interest’s downfall? What is their worst personality trait?
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