I made this a while ago so I’m sorry it’s so cringe ? I got some complaints that the links didn’t work anymore so they’ve all been updated.
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don’t think pick a teen titan
Beast Boy
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Pick out of context bs from my friend group’s discord server “quotes” channel
“A hobby’s a hobby. Some people fix cars, some people are crackheads. You just gotta hope the person fixing your car isn’t also a crackhead.” -my teacher
“jeffy bezos my poor little meow meow”
friend: “I’m imprisoned” me: “what did you do this time??? What orphans did you kill” friend: “well one was named susan so she deserved it”
me: “do i look like an aussie to you????” friend: *sighs* me: “DONT ANSWER THAT”
“Happy birthday mother! have some canada!!!”
“is this for mermaids or dolphin amputees?”
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Choose a season
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Pick a time
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Pick a place
Deep in the forest, maybe a cottage or treehouse
Seeing my favorite artist performing live with my friends
A beach at sunrise
In a car at midnight. Doesn’t matter where as long as you’re moving.
Where ever they’re not
Picnicking alone on a roof in the dark (doesn’t have to be your roof)
A party pretending to be truly happy in hopes you’ll forget you’re pretending
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Pick a core memory
Going to Perkin’s with my grandparents from either side of my family until my mom finished her shift
Playing in my Great-Grandparent’s massive yard in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods with a little pond, thinking I could fly
Christmas when I was ≈4 and throwing a plastic chair at my aunt because it was my “wrestling move”
Playing fairy princess spy kids with my preschool best friend
Playing freeze-tag with dinosaur man the ginger in elementary and having him regret it because I Cannot run
Eating my dinosaur birthday cake from Giant when I was ≈3 in my tiny apartment in the upstairs of a two family home
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