Question of
Do you bully people for having a different style? (Scene, emo, etc)
No?? I literally want to be friends with them so bad
Irdc about style, I have a mix of styles in my group
Yes because my friends do but I’m actually okay with it
Yes? It’s so ugly and they are probably weird
No I just ask them if anything is wrong with them in the nicest way possible,There just must be some reason they look like that you know? No judgement
Question of
You see somebody disabled or mentally challenged, wyd?
Treat them like a little baby! They obviously need love and attention and I will treat them like a 4 year old because I feel bad
Maybe say hi, treat them like any other person
Laugh at them and make jokes about it to their face or not it doesn’t matter
I will if my friends do
Completely ignored because it’s not my business
Question of
Are you racist?
Of course not it’s wrong to be
I only joke about it around people comfortable with it but I never mean it
Yes me and the gang always make racist comments
Yes POC are so ugly ?
No I feel bad for poc I’m sure they would be white if they could!
Question of
Do you judge people for their backgrounds?
of course! It’s so funny to make fun of people missing parents
No? People can’t control other events or other people
I really don’t care enough to even ask about it
Once again me and my friends love making fun of that stuff
Yes I treat them better than others because I feel really really bad
Question of
Do you feel bad after mistreating others? On accident or on purpose?
Yeah of course, I feel guilty very easily but I won’t apologize because I’ll seem weak and or I don’t want to think about what I sajd
Yes and I immediately apologize
Of course not it’s usually a joke
Of course not it’s usually a “joke” (there’s a difference)
Question of
Do you think you are mean?
Yes I feel bad for being mean
Yes and I take pride and don’t care
No I am not mean it goes against my beliefs and if I am it’s not ok purpose
Question of
Are/were you nice to teachers?
Yeah they deserve my respect they deal with too much shit
Nah not really I only wanted to go to school to see my friends
Nah they should have known what they signed up for
I go to sleep in class or just don’t interact with them
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