am i emo quiz
Question of
What does Emo mean to you?
Cutting yourself
I don’t know. I don’t even know why I took this quiz anyway.
Emo is just something related to music.
Emo means many things, but it just doesn’t mean we are crazy.
Question of
Why did you take this quiz?
I told you I don’t know. Didn’t I?
So, I could know the sad, cold truth.
So, I could mock it, duh!
I was bored, so I came here.
Question of
What style describes you?
Tight and dark-colored.
Pink and swirly.
The one that nobody other would dare to rock.
Anything that seems hot on me.
Question of
Have you thought of any piercings?
Yeah, I have 3/more. Belly buttons are awesome.
A little pain won’t hurt.
Eww. No, that’s gross.
No, no thanks, too much pain.
Question of
Do you have tattoos?
Hell yeah!
No, but I’m getting some.
No, I hate tattoos.
No man! Not a single one.
Question of
If you got 500 bucks, what would you spend it on?
Hot topic, here I come.
Thrift stores, not so expensive stuff.
A couple of jeans. A snack!
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