What Type Of Villain Are You

The mind of a villain is advanced and complex – well, in most cases. See if your case is one of those ones that is as complex as a very hard puzzle mixed in with the worlds most confusing but extremely good program (lost) or like a monkey banging symbols.

  • Question of

    What would you use to spread the butter on your toast?

    • A transforma-ray – you want a bagel
    • A sword – you feel in an evil mood today
    • A block of wood – you don’t want to use your resources
  • Question of

    If you could meet anyone in any time period who would it be?

    • George bush would teach me how such an idiot became the president.
    • I would meet hitler so I could help him evolve his plan, then kill him.
    • My great – great grandfather came close to taking over the world; I think.
    • My great – great grandfather came close to taking over the world; I think.
    • My great – great grandfather came close to taking over the world; I think.
  • Question of

    What animal would you be?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    What animal would you be?

    • Dolphin
    • Shark
    • Llama
    • Mozzie
  • Question of

    Who is your favourite singer/band?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Who is your favourite singer/band?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Who is your favourite singer/band?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Who is your favourite singer/band?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Who is your favourite singer/band?

    • None – no time for music!
    • Nirvana
    • Justin timberlake
    • The pony gang
  • Question of

    What type of bread do you prefer?

    • White
    • Brown

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Written by uzair333

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