12 Best Iron-Rich Foods

Beef is a great source of iron for those who enjoy meat. For a meal that contains 3.2 milligrams (mg) of this important mineral, grill six ounces of sirloin steak.
How much iron do you require on a daily basis? It varies based on gender and age. Men require 8 mg. Up until the age of 50, women should get 18 mg, but only 8 after that. In the event that you’re pregnant, you want as much as 27.

What happens if you avoid red meat? Don’t stress. Additionally, poultry is a good source of iron. Try duck, turkey, or chicken.
A 3-ounce serving of duck has 2.3 mg of iron. A similar measure of chicken or turkey gives you 1 mg.

Dark, Leafy Greens
Spinach, kale, and collard greens can give you more iron in a tasty side dish. There are bunches of ways of setting them up. Chop, steam, or sauté it before adding it to your salad. They can even be blended to make a smoothie.

It’s a low-fat, high-protein way to get iron into your diet. It doesn’t matter if it was caught in the wild or came from a farm. The mineral can be found in abundance in haddock, sardines, tuna, and other fish.

Shrimp and Oysters
Are you a sucker for a large bowl of gumbo? You can fulfill your hankering and get some iron, as well. It is abundant in oysters and shrimp.
Throw in some brown or advanced rice and you’ll transform it into an iron-rich treat.

Vegetarian Delights
Iron can be obtained even if you avoid meat. Tofu is a great option. Or on the other hand go for beans, similar to kidney, garbanzo, or white.The “non-heme” iron found in plant foods is less easily absorbed by the body than the “heme” iron found in meat.Drink a vitamin C-rich beverage to better absorb iron after a vegetarian meal.

Iron can be absorbed most effectively at breakfast. Cream of wheat or grain and oat cereals all are great ways of making it happen. Sliced strawberries are a great way to give yourself an extra boost.

Mixed, bubbled, or just right, however you cook them, you’ll get a solid portion of iron. Include a slice of bread on the side because enhanced white or wheat bread can add more.However, if you drink coffee or hot tea with it, some of the benefits may be lost. Additionally, they prevent you from absorbing iron.

Syrup Surprise
Iron can be found in unexpected places. When you put molasses on your pancakes, you can give yourself an extra serving. Molasses contains a lot of iron.

Nuts and Dried Fruit
Make your own trail mix for a snack with a lot of iron. Start with cashews or pistachios. Add dates, raisins, peaches, or other dried fruits.

Fresh Fruit
Watermelon is more than just a tasty treat for the summer. One little cut can give you .69 mg of iron. Five medium figs contain 1 mg of iron, whereas a banana contains 0.36 mg.

Give in to your sweet tooth as you please! You can get some iron when you snack on dim chocolate. 7 mg are contained in a 3-ounce serving.
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